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Hookah Outsourcing

We are a company that provides services Hookah in hotels, restaurants, bars and events. We work based on a concession, which includes the complete production cycle on our own.


Undoubtedly, the hookah is one of the most recognizable symbols of popular Arab culture and demand is growing, both local residents and tourists and is clear evidence that the old modernization Hookah purchased. Hookah smoking is gaining popularity around the world, including the United States, Russia, Britain, France and the Middle East.


After the ban on smoking in public places, every year the popularity of smoking hookah is greater. Every day, about 100 million people smoke Hookahs around the world. Many people prefer to smoke the hookah, not cigars by the soft, fragrant and fresh smoke.

Contact us

- Supply of equipment Hookah, high quality ingredients and maintenance.
- Trained staff
- Design and print menu.
- Expenditure on marketing and customer acquisition.
- Our website be responsible for supporting your business.


- Total absence of costs and expenses.
- Increased income.
- Increase customer.
- Hookah smoke does not bother the customers, unlike cigarettes, exudes a pleasant aroma likes most people.

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